~/atva/Ocaml/speedtest/giop > run_ltl2ba.sh 1 warning: for p.o. reduction to be valid the never claim must be stutter-invariant (never claims generated from LTL formulae are stutter-invariant) Depth= 579 States= 1e+06 Transitions= 2.3739e+06 Memory= 634.559 pan: claim violated! (at depth 407) pan: wrote giop3.pr.trail (Spin Version 4.2.9 -- 8 February 2007) Warning: Search not completed + Partial Order Reduction Full statespace search for: never claim + assertion violations + (if within scope of claim) acceptance cycles + (fairness disabled) invalid end states - (disabled by never claim) State-vector 656 byte, depth reached 579, errors: 1 1.0565e+06 states, stored 1.45456e+06 states, matched 2.51106e+06 transitions (= stored+matched) 20 atomic steps hash conflicts: 23525 (resolved) Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes): 705.743 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead)) 554.780 actual memory usage for states (compression: 78.61%) State-vector as stored = 513 byte + 12 byte overhead 67.109 memory used for hash table (-w24) 44.800 memory used for DFS stack (-m1400000) 2.663 memory lost to fragmentation 664.050 total actual memory usage real 0m12.589s user 0m11.400s sys 0m1.170s